Oh. Dear!! what happened to this post? I am too sick to rewrite it, but it needs to be written. So I will write it tomorrow for certain!
Ok, it is tommorrow and today was our primary program. Both children did great! We had a pop corn party and now, I am sooooo extremely tired and completely worn out, but before I rest I need to try to say what was so significant to me last night.
I went to bed early intending to do my Saturday night chores after putting the kids to bed. But, for the first time in about 9 years. I did not tuck the children in but felll back asleep after prayer.
Then when I woke up it was 12pm. That is worrysome to me because it meant the Sabbath had begun as soon as I awoke and if I did the dishes and laundry, although the machine actually does the work, it would be happening on Sunday. I never do work on Sunday. I recall a story I had heard years ago about an Israeli who would not do work once a sabbath began, but he found himself stranded in a large field, having taken his allotted steps. Much like "Fiddler on the Roof". But, the boy needed to follow his law exactly and spend the night in the field,or hurry home to his family. He fully expected tobe struck by lightening as he chose to take that step towards his home.
Now, to those not believing in that tradition itseems silly or trivial, but it was soooooooo important to him. This was the same trial I faced and so I likened this situation to mine. He was not struck down. Well,ofcourse he wasn't neither would I be. Yet, his take away was that his religion is untrue. I think quite the opposite, it provesthe truth of the words of prophets as recorded in the Bible. The very man man Jesus Christ performed miracles on the Sabbath. From it I learmed that if there is an "ox in the mire" then the day is no consequence. And I have been taught that Adam actually performed sacrifices and prayed to his Heavenly Father and through doing so he learned that his sacrifice was a similtude of a great atoning sacrifice performed by Jesus Christ. So, my wondering what I ought to do turned to wondering if the Jews had such a record of an Angel from God told Adam that the acts he was preforming were a preparation for, or reminder in my case, a great sacrifice to come. I did not expect tobe struck by lightening, but if I made a choice to toil on Sunday I would be recording in Heaven that I did not respect his command enough to honor his wishes. Keeping the Sabbath Holy is not a matter of Obeying The commandments as given to Moses as much as it is a time to demonstrate whom I do worship and if I did continue to do the law of Moses it would more be in honor of that one God and my trusting him more than any other.
Also, I want to record here that my father is doing very poorly and it is troublesome.