Thursday, June 20, 2019

Yesterday was much fun!

I nearly forgot my woes everyone was so happy yesterday in Tennessippi (Jeremy disease). There was trampoline jumping, switch playing, virtual reality mind blowing and sibling rivalry and Mario Kart Racing in the "projector room". Oh how dare I forget the fun with Lexi (a small Schnouser sp?).

Everyone had fun I didn't even mind loosing my credit card 💳 or breaking my toe (making it hard to walk).

Then this morning 🌄 I was thinking hard as I try to doze off cause last night was stormy and Joe got scared and needed me and the older girls were having spider 🕷 issues and had not yet turned off their light at 1:30 am. Well, they said they did until Lena felt a spider on her... But, evidence of laptop activity suggests sleep was not yet a goal.

So, I was thinking how I exercise and eat properly but still gain weight and I actually do not care. I feel bad cause the wii suggested a weight that I claimed that I would never reach but now have squeeked past, but I still find comfort in being taller and lighter than my girls who are not heavy. Plus, though I fret about my size it is only a 10. I freaked out when I was a six and thought, at least I am not a, there's that.

Mostly, it only matters that I am big for me. I only compare my daughters because genetically they are like me, right? Only I think they will all be taller than me soon.

My main thought was how I have never considered myself good enough because in my mind I OUGHT to look like movie stars and tv stars. And they were a representation to me what everyone else looked like, but if I compare myself to those I see in real life I still am usually the skinniest and prettiest. But compared to those who I use for a standard I just about reach my goal then I am out of that age bracket.

So, do I begin a diet or just not care cause if I do not try then I will not be to blame (like those kids on a Carol Burnett show who said just do not have any friends was the solution to keeping everyone of them pleased).

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Plans change

I am a bit verclempt aka overwhelmed (but there is a song tittled "I Am Overwhelmed", so I said verclempt.

It is evidence that the Lord is loving and quite mindful of us. I suspect my plan changes (which have been nearly too good to be true and feel like God must have answered my prayers because they are far more perfect and ideal than I ever expected).

Ok, so my travelogue makes me thinkI need a dream journal lest I forget my incredible dream about my Norweigan ancestors as well as John Amey. Strange to have him pop intomy thoughts while sleeping. I have heard enough scientific nonsense regarding afterdeath phenomenon being explained scientifically as unexpected synapse firing, and poo pooedit so I likewise dismiss and similar deductions regarding my dreams...which on that tangent reminds me of my dinner conversation with Joseph about Paradox that suggest everything is not correct that scientifically is deduced. Experience and belief (faith) is a truer notion cause I will not argue whether or not i can actually touch anyone which scientifically is impossible.

Anyhow, I was suppose to be driving acrossthe united states today, and I was a bit nervous about doing so, but knew that nothing happens unless we decide and do, so despite aprehensions and sleepless nights of pondering I decided to do this!

It took me too long to reach this conclusion but my children/family are of eternal significance and ought to be valued over personal worries or concerns. My plan was made and I presented it to the Lord and he after hearing my concerns put in motion his own, better way. Now, I am flying and visiting Disney which is also a thing that needed to be done before my babies get too old. But, I was worried about trying to afford it. Now, I can simply because my dad paid fir my flight, which I never would have asked. It reminds me of the quote, "Well, brothers, you trusted in money. I trusted in God." And a thing said last night by sister Wallin about the call to serve as mission presidents in Vancouver..."Ofcourse this call comes from God. No man would do this to us." I am guessing it is inconvenient for them...

So, I get to go to conference and see all my family as well as my children in Nashville! There was a way the take away is that I only needed to be willing to act and then God seeing such could take over. And he has continued to be accordingly mindful so I will surely continue to pray! He does hear and answer though I cannot explain how. I certainly can explain the evidence of the invisible force.