I do not ever know what the date is. Which used to frustrate me in the hospital when little analyzing teams of neurologists would ask me what the date was. It wasn't until I couldn't even tell the year was ascertained that it was certain there was a cognitive problem.
Dates are pretty helpful, I am not suggesting we disband them. I guess one reason I don't keep track is that,my phone/computer/calendar already does it for me. I am highly dependant on them. I wonder if mankind used to have to make mental notes of what time it was. Without clocks, I wonder,I'd my schedule would work as smoothly.
It is the 15th and I have a terrible headache, but I am so excited because today I get to,be in the physical prescience of all of my children!!!
Another thing, they say a rose by any other name would smell so sweet, and I put forward the idea that with or without calendars my daughter would grow up, and grow up she has. She is a beautiful woman who I hope always associates with me. There was no mistake in naming her Sarah Lena. She truly is a princess and may she always command according respect.
I have a terrible misgivings about them going. Because of one particular memory: the kids were involved in a car accident and cried calling me on the phone. I needed to be with them! And Brooksie was crying and asking, "Where is mommy?"
There are so many Such memories, like Lena refusing to close her eyes unless I held her hand because I,might disappear. Or telling everyone to leave a spot empty next to her at the school lunch table incase,mom comes. They are older now, the years have passed, but I know that I was purposely given those children, and I need to do all I can to remain in that part of their lives though it seems fate is trying to shove me aside as unimportant.
A mother does more than provide life.
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