Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August is hot

Today was another hot day. I saw a guy walking as we were going to get Nick's hair trimmed, and thought, I feel so bad for him. I bet he is not walking for pleasure, but because he must be somewhere. He looked overweight and very uncomfortable in the heat. I thought about the time I tried to go running after Lena was born. I decided that people who would benefit from walking do not because it is so uncomfortable for them. The times I liked to run was when I was already in shape. The difference is quite noticeable. It reminds me of how they say that it is easier to get a job when you already have one. Or how I had to be so uncomfortable to do simple things, but then Once I could do them I rested and never pushed myself out of my "comfort zone" to accomplish more. It is like using a wheelchair or walker. When I needed them I wanted them they made life easier, but if I had learned to depend on them my apathy would have increased to the point where I had no option anymore "Use it or loose it."

So, this morning, I made a hashbrown casserole using the frozen beef patty and an onion from the ward garden. It smells good.

I got the kids up and bathed and dressed then our adventure for today was a car wash, Mary started crying, but Joseph loved it. Then we went to get Nick's monthly haircut, and I packed thing to go to Jensen wild life park, but Nick said that it was too hot so we decided to go home and let Mary go to bed. The kids were so well behaved in the barber shop because they just sat and ate frosties. "time flies when your having fun."

We just got home from finishing the day with a trip to play at the park and feed the ducks, then we came home and cooled off the family all had ice cream sandwiches and sat on the stairs "cooling off".

Now, I will relax and watch episodes from season 5 of Stargate Atlantis.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A memory (before it fades even more)

Tonight, as I lay here on the couch contemplating my eternal life, I had this odd memory that would be fun to remember, though I do not know how it is stored. I do not remember actual sights, but ideas. I was visiting LeAnne shortly after Brandall and I had gotten married. I was pregnant and buying maternity clothes at thrift stores and then flying back to Nashville which would be cheaper than buying new clothes for a short use.

While I was there we visited the temple. I wore an outfit sister Pincock in Gallatin had given me. It was a very cute red top and skirt (maternity). We went for the purpose of getting maternity garments. But, we did a session. I remember LeAnne telling me a story about someone loosing a slipper in the escalator. After wards we were walking outside and I saw a large group of kids playing on the grounds, it made me happy, silly thing to remember, nonetheless, I still remember it. And It makes me want to take my small children to play on the temple grounds and maybe make some other person as happy. It is stupid littlethings like that which I remember and think about.