Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 3 of water fast

Honestly, I felt like I was cheating yesterday because I ate dinner with the family, but it was actually right on track. It is day three of my fast, and I am supposed to feel terrible, but I only have a huge headache, which I might have had anyway. Today will be additionally hard because I will not be allowing myself water as well.

But, my stomach is groaning, so maybe something is happening. The thing I am doing to make my diet more healthy and manageable is allowing myself food between 4 and 6 pm only. This corresponds with dinner, so that I will not appear to fast to my loved ones and that is important to me.

It also insures that although I reap benefits, I do not deny my body things it needs. I already try to rationalize that my body looks fine and this is rediculous; until, I remember that it is to reset my body from the terrible habbits it has aasumed, and I might be able to get back to good, and such thought encourages me and prods me on. Admitedly, I am more tired, and find it more difficult to do physical activities, but I figure that is exactly what I should be doing then.

My daughter just woke up saying that she could not sleep because she was too warm... need to go take care of that.