Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I know what you're thinking, if you're thinking what I'm thinking. :) and, my first thought when I typed the word diet was to make a joke out of the word diet. It starting with the same letters that spell the word die. Which is undeniably, how all diet's feel when they start out. But, I really was going to announce the breakthrough I had with my latest diet!

My "breakthrough" came as I decided to quit, or fall off the wagon as my husband put it. I realized why so many of them did not work for me to the point that I do not believe any testimonials or read them, no matter how heartfelt they may be. For me, they do not work because the claim is that they will cause weight loss, and I have noted quite the opposite, and so I assume they are not working.

Some diets I even wanted to work so badly that I began excercising, too. which only caused weight gain. Starvation is the only diet that seemed to work for me, but it is unhealthy.

My last diet made me extremely hungry, and I got so ill that I decided that I needed to listen to my own body for a while and stop trying to make it conform to standards that theoretically work well. Since I quit my diet, I actually noticed a change in how I feel, and that I have lost weight.

This first bit makes me pause. A ton of "bad" things make us feel better so how we feel cannot be the motivating factor. This morning the kids were watching a video where a cartoon character said, " How can someone who lived so long ago know what is right for me?" the response is wonderful. " His words bring peace." The character replied, "Well, my teachings bring pleasure." food for thought, even for parents. We are all aiming for revelance, or happiness, and closely resembling happiness is pleasure. So, too often we think if pleasing ourselves makes us happy then, it is the goal.

Ultimately, we find peace and that is what I have found in my attempts to reconcile the cause and effect of dieting. Many things might bring what they claim; however, I needed to realize that what is right or what causes are observed in others might not be the same in me. For instance, I have found that novacaine has no effect whatsoever on me, though it is not considered a false placebo drug to be tossed out. Likewise, I do not have the same reactions to other things like allergies that others do.

Naturally, it comes back to relgion. something is no less true simply because it is not a perfect fit for you, hence we see such diversity in systems of belief. For a moment I must go back to medicine. Cures are universal only if we are. What is healthy for one is supposed to be healthy for all. We make the same generlizations in religion, afterall we are all children of God so we share that commonality. right? (silence) right? (aside) um, (tapping microphone) is this thing on?

1 comment:

  1. I realized today that as I looked at this "weight watchers" meal that I would not eat this much food in a day, but this helps others loose weight? I do think it might be healthier though than, let's say cookies, doughnuts, rootbeer and reese pieces.
