Monday, October 8, 2012

My crochet project

Yesterday, I had a weird but common incident with my crochet project. I am making a larger sturdier bag for church on Sundays. I cannot find a pattern or exsisting bag that suits me, so I'm making one and yesterday I finished the long laborious task.

It included pulling apart an old afghan I had started year ago, to match my cool Monkey slippers. But as I would likely never complete it and I needed yarn, and had five able bodied kids around last weekend, looking to be helpful. We had fun making about 15 balls of yarn. I realy think Joseph was more of a trouble-causing than solving partner, but fun was had by everyone!

It was two-strand thick and took any and all free time I had for weeks. But yesterday evening I was done at last! and ahead of schedule! But, the frustrating part is yet to come.

The sides and bottom portion (the gussie) was waaay too long. I really cannot even wonder how it got so long*. But I did not want to undo all of that work, so I tried to attach it. As I was putting the pieces together I thought, "You know, doing it right the first time will save you alot of headache."I ignored that thought, but grew frustrated that I spent so much time on such a cobbled up mess. I decided that it was time to put it down for a while.

I wrote an e-mail to a friend, but the mess was still on my mind so I started thinking of all of my problems in terms of crochet. I was thinking about my life taking so long to get just how I want it, but I wouldn't even really think about what I had accomplised unless it went wrong anyway..I thought of others who had done everything right and I decided that it was worth it to take my bag apart. I could do that much right.

So,  took it apart and completely unraveled the sides and bottom portion, DO OVER!  You should be lead to the thought, but I'll come out and say it: It is alot like our life. Sometimes we simply must unravel and do it all over again, only this time right! I am making it over, properly I knew it would be extra work to measure and make sure I got it right, but I will have a lot of extra yarn, because it's shorter. In the end, I must put off my "House scrubbing" for another day, but it wil be worth it.
* Likely, it was trying to watch Stargate Atlantis while you estimated the size. Or it might have been the children constantl interrupting your counting. My honest question remains How the heck did you not notice and keep working for days like that?

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